Magnolia Pictures & Magnet Releasing have unveiled the first official trailer for Synchronicity, a visually stunning sci-fi noir that recalls the mind-bending narratives of Blade Runner, Looperand Memento. Centered around the concept of time travel, the narrative follows the story of physicist Jim Beale who has invented a machine that can manipulate both space and time. As Jim fractures the facade of the space-time continuum, he inadvertently allows a rare entity from the future to enter the present. Simultaneously pursued by ruthless corporate tycoon Klaus Meisner and seduced by a mysterious Abby who attempts to learn his deepest secrets, Beale travels back in time to stop the schemes before they happen. As his uncertain future is now on the verge of unraveling, Jim must learn the truth about Abby and the intricacies of his own machine before everything he knows is destroyed.
Written and directed by Jacob Gentry, the film stars Chad McKnight, AJ Bowen, Brianne Davis, Scott Poythress and Michael Ironside. Synchronicity is set for a limited theatrical release on January 22, 2016, along with premieres on VOD and iTunes. You can watch the full trailer above.
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