Friday 15 January 2016

Watch How They Make the Famous $100 Donut

Forbes have taken a trip over to the Manila Social Club in Williamsburg to check out the restaurants $100 gold-plated donut, which went viral after being posted to Instagram.
"It came out after our first DJ & Donut event," says chef Björn Delacruz. "I made a white IPA donut and it had the gold dust on it. Then on New Years I wanted to give a gift to my staff […] and so I made this gold donut. I posted it on Instagram and it turned out people wanted to buy it […] The gold doesn't add anything to the flavour. It could add some excitement, we eat with our eyes first right? But it's really the flavour of Cristal that really works so well with ube."
He goes on to show what goes into the donut's preparation and adds that the sweet treat isn't just gimmicky, it actually really tastes fantastic. Check out the video above.

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